A Worthy Opponent Page 6
This time, Nigel’s nod was stronger. “We still don’t know there are people hiding Peter.”
“Yes, we do.” Our last three gun shipments into Carver City had been stolen, and every person of mine onboard killed. I knew Peter was behind it, but that slippery bastard is never where I expect him to be. Every time I go on the attack, he disappears into thin air. He’s making a fool of me, and I’ll be damned before I let it continue.
So I’ll make him come to me.
With Tink in my house, in my bed, he won’t be able to stop himself for long. And when he does, I’ll do exactly what I promised and give Tink his head on a platter. In the meantime, I’ll put on a show destined to get his attention.
“Double the escort to Hades’s territory, but do it subtly. I don’t want to deal with an attack, but we can’t look like we’re scared.”
We get down to planning out the details and then go over accounts for the last month. Business is good, but not good enough to take the hit of another lost shipment. Only my paranoia ensured we had enough weaponry stocked to fulfill our orders. All gone now. If Peter gets to the next shipment, we’ll be royally fucked.
A week. I have a week to figure it out. A fucking blip of existence and a small eternity, all rolled into one.
An hour later, we sit back. I’m not satisfied, not by a long shot, but I won’t be satisfied until I send that bastard to hell. I push to my feet and stretch. A quick glance at my watch confirms that I barely have enough time to change and get ready before we need to leave. “I better check on the missus.”
Nigel makes a choked sound. “Be sure to call her that sometime when I’m around to witness the resulting bloodbath.”
“I might just do it.” Tink is especially beautiful—and dangerous—when she gets riled. Since she lost that haunted look in her eyes at the Underworld, I’ve enjoyed poking her every chance I was afforded. Now I can do it whenever I want.
I take the elevator up to my suite, but the second I step out of the doors, I freeze. “What the hell?”
“Honey, you’re home.” Her smug voice comes from the bathroom, but I only have eyes for my closet.
It’s unrecognizable. All my shit is gone. I walk to the nearest wardrobe and touch an empty hanger. “Where are my clothes?”
Her innocent act is ruined by how delighted she sounds. I stalk into the bathroom and stop short. Tink has her hair done up in big pink curlers, and she’s expertly applying red lipstick to her full lips. She’s done something to her face to amplify her beauty and, holy fuck, she’s pulled out all the stops for her clothing.
Her dress is short and white, hugging her big ass lovingly and giving me a whole lot of thigh to check out. Then she turns around, and my gaze snags on her tits. “Fuck.”
“What’s that, husband?” She starts to take out her curlers, leaving her long blond hair to fall around her face in waves I want to dig my hands into.
It takes more effort than it should to circle around to the problem. “My clothes.”
“Oh, that.” She neatly places the pink curlers back into their container, one by one. “I sent them out for dry cleaning.”
“Dry cleaning,” I repeat.
“That’s what I said.” She blinks big green eyes at me, all feigned innocence. “I assumed they must be dirty, being as how they were all on the floor.” She presses a hand to her chest. “After all, I’m just your little wife, right? That’s what you wanted when you left me up here to cool my heels.”
Oh, she is downright fucking wicked.
“I ought to put you over my knee for that bullshit.”
She smiles sweetly. “We both know I’d enjoy that too much for it to serve as a deterrent. Give it up, Hook. I win this round.”
I might laugh if I didn’t want to kiss her so desperately. “What, pray tell, am I supposed to wear tonight since apparently every item I own is at the dry cleaner?”
“Oh, I’m sure you’ll find something.” She waves that away and turns back to the mirror. I notice that the counter is covered with her shit now. Tubes and canisters and eyeshadow in every color imaginable. I kind of like it.
I leave her to it and return to the main room to search for something that might have escaped her purge. She was remarkably thorough, and she also seems to have claimed the nearest wardrobe as her own. Her clothing hangs in neat color-coded rows. I’m mildly impressed at the sheer amount of shit she had packed in that pink suitcase. I pull open a drawer and find a rainbow of lingerie. Some of it I recognize. Others are new to me, and I shut the drawer again before I can examine my reaction to that too closely.
Jealousy for those who have seen her in them. Anticipation for my own experience with her. Something infinitely more complicated.
I find a pair of leather pants shoved in the back of a drawer in the farthest wardrobe. I shake them out and sigh. Not my favorite, but they’ll do.
I’ve barely finished getting ready when Tink walks into the room. Even having seen her a short time ago, the sight of her rocks me back on my heels. The woman is a fucking stunner. She knows it, too. She gives me a snarky little smile. “I see you found something after all.”
I don’t bother with a shirt. Technically there is a dress code in the lounge part of the Underworld, but I’ve found that a lot of things can be overridden if a person has enough confidence to brazen it out. The missing piece of clothing is more than worth it as Tink stares at my chest. It’s nothing she hasn’t seen before, but it feels different. She’s actually looking at me for the first time. More, she’s mine now. I guess that means I’m hers, too.
I spread my arms and give her a wide grin that I know will spike her blood pressure. “You can touch if you like, Tatiana.”
“Stop calling me that.”
“It’s your name.”
She props a hand on her hip. “Not anymore.”
It’s tempting to argue, but ultimately it’s not my call what she chooses to call herself. If she sees Tatiana as representation of the person she was before, who the fuck am I to argue? “Okay,” I finally say. “Not anymore.”
I slowly let my arms drop. I didn’t really expect her to take me up on my invitation. Our game has barely begun, and I won’t lie and say I’m not looking forward to her making me work for it. She wants me. She wouldn’t be fingering herself to the image of me in the shower if she didn’t. She’s also a prideful little asshole, so she’s going to hold out as long as possible before giving us what we both desire.
I’m going to enjoy every second of it.
Chapter 7
It feels like six months have passed since I was last in the Underworld, rather than something like twelve hours. Adem gives me a bright grin when he sees us walk through the doors. He’s one of those too-gorgeous-to-be-real people, which is saying something in our world. His dark brown skin doesn’t appear to have pores, and he always dresses to the nines. Tonight is no exception. He’s wearing a three-piece suit that would be overdoing it for anyone else working what is essentially a front desk job. On Adem it’s just … Adem. “Couldn’t stay away, could you?”
“Not even if I wanted to.” It’s impossible to be a part of Carver City’s power base without spending some time in the Underworld. Even Peter came here from time to time before I made my deal and Hook subsequently staged his coup. Though he never went beyond the lounge.
Hook and I will be playing tonight. I’m sure of it. He doesn’t need to fuck me to be married to me, but he was pretty damn explicit about what he wants. My body, traitor that it is, is thrilled by the thought of the pending power games. I’m stubborn to a fault. I don’t know how to be anything else. I can’t give in to Hook. Not without a fight.
His big hand presses against the small of my back, branding me right down to my skin. He gives an easy grin. “Adem.”
“Hook.” Adem’s dark gaze lands on the giant ring on my finger and goes wide. “Uh… Congratulations.”
like that,” I mutter.
Hook’s laugh rolls through me in the most delicious way possible as he hooks an arm around my waist and hauls me against his side. “I’m planning something special for the little woman tonight. We’re celebrating.”
Adem’s dark brows rise and keep rising until I’m a little afraid they’ll just disappear entirely. “I … see.”
The impulse to explain shoves against the inside of my lips, but I stifle it. No matter the reason I said yes, this is a real marriage. Undermining it the second I get a chance undermines my safety and the safety of others.
I haven’t had a chance to think about the implications of being Hook’s wife, at least beyond the obvious. He’s the ruler of his territory. Even though it’s on the smaller scale, there are hundreds of people who are ready to jump to obey his every whim. There are those who would see him forcing me to get married as a sign of strength, but that puts me at a disadvantage for the rest of my life.
I start. The rest of my life? What the hell am I even saying? This isn’t about the rest of my life. This deal only serves to protect me until the threat of Peter has passed. That’s it. A shoring up of Hook’s strength because I can’t protect myself. Always the victim, never the partner.
I’ve played that part. I will never willingly go back.
So I lean into Hook and rub one hand up his bare chest. His muscles jump a little beneath my fingers, but his expression doesn’t change. I smile at Adem. “We wanted to surprise everyone.”
“I think it’s safe to say you’ll do exactly that.”
Hook catches my hand and presses a kiss to my palm. “Go in ahead of me. I have a few calls to make.”
I don’t trust that at all, but arguing will undo all the work I just put in. I give Adem a wave and walk to the set of large black doors that dominate the wall behind him. This entrance is built to intimidate and transition a person from the real world to the one that lies within. Sin and decadence and power games. Only Hades’s laws matter here, and anything is permissible as long as a person’s safe word is honored. It’s fucking heady, even now.
Especially now.
I have no idea what Hook is planning tonight. A public announcement of our marriage, yes, but I doubt he’s going to be happy standing on the bar and declaring it for everyone present. No, he’ll go about it in a uniquely Hook way. I shiver.
It’s late enough that the lounge is more than half filled. I recognize Gaeton sprawled in one nook and smile a little when he raises a hand in greeting. A flash of pink hair draws my attention, and I turn to find Aurora bearing down on me. Before I have a chance to react, she throws her arms around me and gives a strong hug that belies her delicate build. “I was so worried about you!”
“I’m sorry.” I don’t know why I’m apologizing.
She takes a hold of my shoulders and leans back. “I didn’t even know you were leaving, and then you were just gone and Hades had people packing up your room. Are you okay?” She takes me in with a glance. “You look great, but you always look great.”
I can’t help but smile. A real smile. Aurora is so fucking sweet, sometimes she makes my teeth ache. It’s genuine with her. She’s just a good person. “I’m okay.” I nod at her outfit. “You’re looking good tonight, too.” She’s wearing a white underbust corset that highlights her trim waistline and a gauzy fabric draped in a way that’s almost a dress. It highlights her light brown skin and I can see her nipples through the top of it. The folds beneath the bottom of the corset mostly obscure her around her hips and leave her legs bare. She is, of course, barefoot and wearing the collars all the submissives on staff wear while on shift.
Strange to think I’ll never wear mine again.
“Thanks.” She smiles, before the expression falls away. “Seriously, though. What can I do? I can’t believe Hades just kicked you out.”
I can’t really believe it either, but the time for being pissed about it has come and gone. “You know me, Aurora. I always land on my feet.”
“Still, I’m here if you need anything. Absolutely anything.”
The wave of affection that rises in response to her offer nearly takes me off my feet. I’ve tried to hold myself separate, to drive people back with my shitty attitude, but it never fazed Aurora. Her bubbly attitude is infectious and if I was anyone else, we might even be considered friends. Maybe? I’m not even sure what real friendship looks like. Growing up, I moved homes too often to set down anything resembling roots or form lasting friendships. Then I was with Peter and anyone close to me painted a target on their chest, so people kept their distance and I did the same.
Her gaze flicks over my shoulder. “Don’t look now, but here comes Hook.”
I sigh. “Yeah, about that …” I hold up my left hand.
Her jaw drops. “What? No. Seriously? No way.”
“Yes, way.” I almost manage not to tense as Hook’s arms come around me, and he plasters himself against my back and props his chin on my head. His skin is warm against mine, and even as I tell myself to stand firm, I get a little melty.
“Hi, Hook,” her voice is very small, and her eyes are very wide.
“Hey, Aurora. Nice dress.” He gives me a squeeze. “You want a drink, wife?”
Oh, so it’s like that. He wasn’t even trying to be quiet when he said that. Out of the corner of my eye, I can see heads swiveling in our direction. Then the whispers start. I grit my teeth and turn in his arms to press my hands to his chest. It’s a mistake—touching Hook is always a mistake—but jerking away is conceding defeat, and that’s something I’ll never do. I look up into his laughing eyes and have to fight the urge to jab him in the throat. “Subtle. Really subtle.”
Thankfully, he lowers his voice. “You know me, Tink. I don’t have a subtle bone in my body.” He lowers his hands, too, and the sound he makes in the back of his throat when he cups my ass has my pussy giving an answering zing. He drags me closer yet and, yes, I can feel his very unsubtle boner pressing against my stomach.
“Control yourself.”
“Never.” He grins. “Have a drink with me. If you manage not to stab me with something for the duration, I’ll give you your surprise.”
I do not understand this man. I don’t think I ever have, no matter what I told myself. The way he relishes every confrontation with me can’t possibly be real. It has to be an act, and one that will bite me in the ass sooner rather than later. I glare up at him, and my ire only seems to make him more delighted. Finally, I sigh. “Yes, I’ll have a drink. I want a—”
“Seduction on the Rocks.”
I blink. “You know my drink.”
He doesn’t answer. He just ambles off to the bar, leaving me blinking after him. Dazed, I turn back to find Aurora staring at me like she’s never seen me before. “What?”
“You married him.” She shakes her head slowly. “There’s no way this is a love match.”
“You don’t know.” I’m not sure why I’m arguing. Aurora has worked with me more nights than I can count over the last few years, and she’s seen me avoid interacting with Hook a lot. She knows I haven’t given him the time of day before now.
“I do know.” She takes my arm and pulls me toward the door that leads to Hades’s public office. “I don’t care what he did to make you say yes, we can fix this. If I have to threaten Hades myself, I’ll get you out of it.”
Oh no. I cover her hand and dig in my heels, hauling us to a stop. I’m painfully aware of the attention of the people around us. “Aurora, stop.”
“It’s not fair that you’re put in this position. What the hell is the point of a deal if Hades hangs us out to dry the second it’s finished?” She shakes her pink hair, her expression as ferocious as I’ve ever seen it. “No. Absolutely not. We’re getting you out of this and we’re doing it now.”
I know I’m staring at her like I’ve never seen her before, but I can’t seem to stop. She manages to drag me a few steps before I remember that I’m suppos
ed to be resisting. “Why do you care so much?”
She finally stops and looks at me, anger flickering into confusion. “We’re friends, Tink. Protecting each other is what friends do.”
There’s that word again. Friends. Apparently I don’t really know what it means, after all. I can’t let her confront Hades. I’ve made my bed with Hook, and fighting Hades will only endanger Aurora’s deal. Panic flares in my throat, hot and tangled and confused. I’ve never had to look out for someone else before. I’ve been too busy trying to survive. But if Aurora gets hurt because she’s trying to defend me …
“We were seeing each other in secret,” I blurt. “I couldn’t do anything until my contract was up.”
She finally stops tugging on my wrist and narrows her eyes. “You’re not lying?”
Oh, this sweet girl. Even after so long of moving through our world, she has an innocence about her that nothing has touched. I hope nothing ever does. I take a breath and work on morphing my expression into one she’ll believe. “I’m not lying.”
She studies me for a long moment. Finally, she shakes her head, looking more confused. “Wow. I just … Wow. I didn’t see this coming.”
“I don’t think anyone did.” That, at least, is the truth. I carefully remove her hand from my wrist. I don’t know what I’m supposed to say to someone who was willing to go to bat for me. “Thank you. You don’t have to fight for me.”
“Of course I do.” She smiles, though it looks a little brittle. “The Underworld is going to be weird without you here. I’m going to miss you.”
The novelty of being missed is something I’ll have to ponder later. The feeling in my throat only gets more tangled, and I try to swallow past it. Are my palms sweating? Because this feels more anxiety-inducing than participating in my first scene. “I, um, I’m going to be busy for a bit getting settled in.” Another wobbly breath that does nothing to fill my lungs. I expel the rest of the words in a rush, already bracing for rejection. “But do you want to get coffee sometime soon?”