A Worthy Opponent Page 9
Speaking is out of the question, so I moan a little. Beneath me, Gaeton laughs, the sound as strained as I feel.
“If you could see the picture you make.” Hook’s thumb strokes the spot behind my ear and down my neck. “You’ll take everything they give you, and you’ll thank me afterward for the pleasure of the experience.” His voice goes hard. “Begin.”
They start fucking me slowly, each working to figure out my limits. I can’t focus on any one penetration. Gaeton shoves deep and grinds against my clit. Malone is working my ass in steady strokes. Beast wraps my braid around a fist to hold my head immobile while he fucks my mouth.
He finds his rhythm first. Or maybe he just knows what he likes and fully intends to use me to accomplish it. It makes me feel a little dirty and a little used. I love it. I open wide to allow him as deep as I can take him.
“Harder.” Hook’s command flips a switch in the other two.
Gaeton grips my thighs and spreads me wide. Then he begins fucking me in rough strokes that shove me back against Malone while pushing Beast’s cock deep enough into my throat that I gag and tears spring from my eyes to soak the blindfold.
Finally, blessedly, my brain clicks off completely, the last of my defenses sliding away. I relax into everything they’re doing to me, relax into the pleasure beating my body in vicious waves that are almost too much.
Through it all, Hook’s hand on the back of my neck keeps me from floating away entirely.
This isn’t right.
I keep on hand on Gaeton’s chest like I’ve been ordered, but I reach for Hook with my free hand. He lets me touch the muscles lining his stomach, lets me grip the waistband of his pants, lets me undo the fastenings with fumbling fingers. I can barely focus, but I manage to get his cock out. I give him a stroke, but it’s not … I can’t …
Everything stops.
My jaw aches as Beast eases from my mouth. Hook gives the back of my neck a squeeze. “Tell me what you want.” No amusement in his voice now. Just harsh command.
“I want Gaeton to suck your cock.” It’s not the only thing I want. But even blitzed out of my mind, I can’t quite speak the words that will have the cock I really want inside me.
“Mmmm.” Despite his low words, I’m sure I’m not imagining his hand shaking on the back of my neck. It’s the slightest tremor, but I’m suddenly sure I’m the cause. “What do you think, Gaeton?”
“What the fuck do you think I think? Yes.”
There’s some shifting around, though Hook doesn’t relinquish his hold on me. I appreciate that more than I can put into words. He’s my tether, the contact that will see me through this.
“It’s a shame you can’t see Gaeton take my cock deep, wife. It’s quite the sight to behold.”
“Maybe next time,” I repeat his earlier words back to him.
Hook’s laugh is harsh. “Yes. Next time.” The barest pause. “Continue. Don’t stop until she’s coming or you are.”
Beast gives my braid a yank, and then his cock fills my mouth again. This time, there is no pausing, no hesitation. The three of them simply resume fucking me as if they never stopped.
I can’t move, can’t think, can’t do more than take what they give. Take and take and take. The pleasure is so acute, it edges on pain. And through it all, even though I’m half sure it’s my imagination, I can hear Gaeton sucking Hook’s cock. The low sound in the back of his throat when Hook shoves deep. Hook’s harsh exhale when Gaeton does something with his tongue. All of it.
And then Hook’s voice, reaching across the darkness to show me the way home. “Let go, Tink. I’ve got you.”
My orgasm catches me entirely by surprise, shattering me down to my base parts and grinding them further to dust. Until I am nothing, and there is peace in that nothingness.
It only lasts a moment, and then I’m slammed back into my body as Beast pulls from my mouth and hot come lashes my breasts. Malone eases out of my ass mere seconds before Gaeton hooks me around the waist and flips us, sending me to the mattress on my back and driving into me once, twice, a third time. He pulls out, yanks the condom off, and comes across my stomach with a low curse.
“Look at the mess they made of you,” Hook murmurs approvingly. His hand touches my temple, and it’s the only warning I get before he eases the blindfold from my eyes.
The room is only lit by the firelight, and even then it’s glaringly bright after so long in the dark. I blink rapidly, trying to force my eyes to adjust. Things come into focus one at a time. Gaeton kneeling between my thighs, his skin shining with a faint sheen of sweat. He’s got freckles. That always surprises me.
Standing behind him on his left is Malone. She’s dressed in an outfit I designed for her and looks like she just came from a business meeting or a runway, aside from the blue cock strapped to her hips. She gives me a faint smile, though her eyes are warm enough.
On Gaeton’s other side, standing back near the wall, is Beast. He’s got the most flawless cheekbones I’ve ever seen on a person, and the faint flush to his pale skin only makes him more attractive. He’s already tucked his cock back into his jeans and leans against the wall as if he wasn’t just fucking my mouth.
Finally, inextricably, my gaze is pulled to Hook. He’s on one knee at my side, still bracing the back of my neck. He studies my face with dark eyes, and I can’t begin to guess what he sees there. Whatever it is brings a slow smile to his lips. It’s a little crooked, a little imperfect, but it’s the realest one I’ve seen on him to date. “You’ve pleased me, Tink.”
Something flutters in my chest in response. I don’t have the strength to convince myself that it’s the same weightless sensation I always get after a good scene. It’s different. Not just because this whole experience was so intense. It’s different because it’s him.
“You’re welcome to stay if you’d like.” He lifts his voice a little bit, obviously talking to the others.
Malone’s taken the time to remove the strap-on, and she steps around him to ruffle my hair. “I’ll see you later, Tink.”
Beast meets my gaze for a long moment and nods. He hasn’t said a single fucking word this whole time, which is both painfully sexy and also weird as shit.
Then they’re gone, leaving only Gaeton. He stands and stretches, his fingertips nearly touching the ceiling. “I’ll stick around for a bit.”
Hook snorts. “You’re just looking to get your ass pounded.”
“Guilty.” He gives a charming smile and suddenly the room seems several shades brighter. “You know your little wife will like to watch.”
In fact, I would like to watch. Gaeton was a switch, but he doesn’t submit in public, so I’ve never gotten the opportunity to witness it. Watching Hook dominate him?
Yes, please.
Hook’s watching me closely. “Yes, it appears she would.” He picks me up and climbs easily to his feet. “I’ll get to you presently, Gaeton.”
“By all means, take your time.” He flings himself down onto the couch and grins. “She’s a dirty girl. Better clean her up.”
I have to bite down the impulse to tell Hook to put me down, that I’m too heavy. He’s obviously got things well in hand, and it’s just my fool brain being an asshole.
He sets me down on the bed and steps back to look at me, his eyes warm. “My little cum slut.” As I hold my breath, he drags a finger through Beast’s come on my chest and down to where Gaeton marked my stomach.
It takes me a full second to realize that his meandering path is not, in fact, random. I frown down at my body. “Did you just write mine in the come of two other men?”
“Yes.” He reaches past me to pull the comforter up around my shoulders. “I’m going to get something to clean you up with. Try not to menace Gaeton too thoroughly in the few minutes I’ll be gone.”
I can’t stop looking at the mess they made of me. “I’ll try.”
“Good girl.” Then he’s gone
, shutting the door softly behind him.
My shakes start, and I pull the blanket more firmly around my shoulders. Gaeton kicks the leg he has draped over the arm of the couch, his eyes on me. “So, you and Hook.”
“Shut up.”
“An old married couple.”
“Shut up.”
“Next thing you know, you’ll be three kids in and won’t come play with me anymore.”
I force myself to hold his gaze, to banish the queasy feeling his words bring. “Gaeton. Shut up.”
He finally shuts up.
I can’t think about kids. Surely Hook won’t ask that of me in this sham of a marriage? I mean, yes, I always wanted a family. I still do, though my confidence that I won’t fuck up some new human isn’t particularly high at this point. Still, a family that loves unconditionally is all I ever wanted.
It’s the lure Peter dangled in front of me in the first place. All smiles and promises that family really doesn’t have anything to do with blood relations, that he’s built up his very own that he plays king over. Spinning a dream of being queen at his side and mother to this family, something I couldn’t quite comprehend at sixteen, but was attracted to all the same.
For a while, it was really, really good. He showered me with attention and I soaked it up like the starved thing I was. Then the sanctions on my appearance, words, and time started, cutting me off from anyone who wasn’t Peter so slowly that I didn’t realize it was happening until it was too late.
I shake my head, trying to dispel the memories, but it doesn’t help because my body is shaking now. Before I can figure out a way to hide it from Gaeton—he’s a dick, but he’s still too good a Dom to let me suffer while he’s sitting in the same room—the door opens and Hook returns.
He takes one look at me and curses, crossing the room in several long strides. Seconds later, I’m in his lap with his strong arms holding me close. “I’ve got you.”
He doesn’t though, not really.
I close my eyes and accept the aftercare. I’m distantly aware of Hook speaking to Gaeton in a low voice, but the words glance off me, unable to find traction. It’s just as well. When I open my eyes again, we’re alone. “Poor Gaeton.”
“Please. He got your pussy and my cock tonight. More is just him being greedy.” Hook rests his chin on top of my head. “Do you want to go home tonight or stay here?”
The word doesn’t apply. The Underworld was my home until today. Hook’s fortress is his, not mine. Marriage or not, I feel displaced and adrift. I lean my head against his shoulder and sigh. “I don’t want to stay here.” It would hurt too much to occupy one of the overnight rooms, and I doubt Hades will allow me access to my suite.
He eases me off him and moves to kneel at the edge of the bed. It should be a subservient position, but it isn’t this time any more than it was back in his room. He pulls open a little cooler-looking box and proceeds to pull out a warm, wet cloth to clean me up.
I stare.
There are clean up kits in each room. Getting dirty goes with the territory, and most people won’t necessarily want to wander the club with various messes on them. Hook took it one step farther. Not only did he get wet cloths, but he ensured they’d still be warm when he got back to me.
I don’t…I don’t know how to slot this new information.
“You did well tonight.” He’s taking his time, seeming to enjoy touching me as much as I’m enjoying this strangely intimate moment.
“I didn’t do anything except take it.”
He shoots me a look. “You know that’s not true.”
Yeah, I suppose I do. I try for a laugh, but it comes out a little hoarse. “You know, if you’re trying to convince me that I need your cock, having me filled with three other people probably isn’t the way to go.”
“Mmmm.” He presses the cloth to my pussy, making me jerk. I look up to find him watching me with that cocky grin on his face. “None of their cocks are mine, Tink. For all intents and purposes, they were tonight, but we both know who you were really craving.”
“I don’t know. Gaeton is pretty stacked. Malone has more cocks than anyone else I know. And there’s Beast’s pretty jewelry. A girl likes options.”
His smile doesn’t so much as flicker. “And yet you called my name when you lost control.”
Chapter 11
Tink doesn’t want to stay here. It doesn’t mean anything. There are dozens of reasons for that to be true, and none of them reflect on how she feels about me. I don’t give a fuck. Tonight she’ll be in my bed. Tonight, and every other night, stretching out into the future.
At least until this ends.
She climbs to her feet, and I reach out to steady her. She shies away before I make contact. “I’m fine.”
Of course she is. She’s always fine, always determined to do it on her own. I understand, at least in theory. For years, she had no independence of her own, her will crushed under Peter’s thumb. She gained plenty of strength while living here. It stands to reason that she won’t want to give any of it up, even on the small battles. “Letting people help you isn’t a sign of weakness.”
“Isn’t it?” She steps back, her eyes downcast, and pulls the blanket more firmly around her. “Let’s just go.”
I broke down barriers with this scene. I fucking know I did. But here she is, building them back up as fast as she can. If we leave now, she’ll retreat. By morning, we’ll be farther away than we started today.
“Tink.” I love the way her name feels coming out of my mouth. Like a secret, sinful and dark.
I love her reactions even more.
She spins on me, a finger raised to poke my chest. “You heard me when I said—”
I catch her wrist and bring the offending finger to my mouth. Her jaw drops as I suck hard for a moment before releasing. “We’re not done.”
“The hell we aren’t!”
I walk to the couch and drop onto it, watching her all the while. Her glare is something truly outstanding to behold. I motion to the door. “You want to leave? Leave. I’m sure you’ll find somewhere to go.” It’s more than a little cruel to remind her that she needs me, but I’m feeling more than a little cruel right now. If Tink would take a moment to look around and gauge the situation, she’d see that I’m not the enemy. I’ve never been the enemy. Not hers, at least.
Fuck, for once, I just want her to see me.
She gives a truly impressive snarl. “I’m not crawling to you.”
“Not tonight. But you will—and soon.”
“How is there any space left in this room with your ego?”
I crook a finger at her, enjoying the way her brows slash down in response. “Come here.”
“Fuck off.” Despite her words, she crosses the distance between us in hesitant steps, as if her body and mind are at war.
I take her hand and give a tug. She rolls her eyes, but allows me to pull her down to straddle my lap. I hold her gaze as I smooth my palms up her thighs to her hips. She looks like she wants to tell me to fuck off again, but she’s already going soft beneath my touch. I press my fingers to the small of her back, urging her closer until her hips are flush against mine. “Tell me your favorite part of tonight.”
“I’m not really into recaps.”
I nip her bottom lip, hard enough that she gasps against my mouth. “Don’t make me repeat myself.”
“Fine.” She shifts against me, rubbing against my cock and shivering. “I …”
The truth wars with lies, all of it right there on her face for anyone who cares to look. It’s a testament of how rattled she still is, because normally she hides her thoughts better than this. “Close your eyes.” I wait for her to obey to continue. “Now. Stop thinking so hard and tell me what you favorite part was.”
“Your hand on the back of my neck.” Her voice comes out soft and slow. “Knowing that you directed everything they did to me. The fact you kept
me tethered even in the midst of it all.” Her eyes fly open. “I mean the three cocks. The three cocks were my favorite.”
“Mmmm.” I resume my slow stroking, enjoying the ability to touch her however I please. She’s rocking against me, ever so subtly, but I doubt she’s aware of it. “It strikes me that you had three cocks and only one orgasm.”
She narrows her eyes. “It was one hell of an orgasm.”
“Yes. It was.” It had been downright fucking glorious to witness. Tink, shattered to pieces between three other people. Even with my cock shoved down Gaeton’s throat, it’d rocked me to my core. Knowing I was the cause, the one who’d orchestrated her pleasure … That was what drove me over the edge to my own orgasm.
I nudge her up a little and slip a hand between her thighs. “Tender?” Gaeton isn’t a small guy, and he wasn’t holding back earlier. None of them were.
“I can take more.”
Her eyes flutter as I slide three fingers into her pussy. “You will. Not tonight, though.” I stroke her slowly, watching her expression as I explore her. “Tonight was a special occasion for obvious reasons.” I press the heel of my hand against her clit. “The next cock you’ll have is mine. All you have to do is ask.”
She braces her hands on my shoulders, her nails digging in the tiniest bit as she rocks against me. “I’m never going to ask.”
“Yes you are.” I ignore her restless moving, a silent demand that I pick up my pace. “And when you do, I’ll let you ride me. Or I’ll bend you over the nearest piece of furniture and fuck you until you see the face of god.”
Her breath hisses out in a sound that’s somewhere between a laugh and a sob. “Bold words.”
“True words.” I still my touch.
Now she truly does whimper. “Please. Don’t leave me hanging again. I can’t stand it.”
I use my free hand to move us, toppling her down onto the couch and settling on top of her. “I won’t leave you hanging for the rest of the night, beautiful girl.” I don’t usually like playing the orgasm deprivation game, but it has its purposes. Like tonight, blending with the pain delivered by Malone and Beast, prepping Tink to take all three of them.